Supporting the NHS Long Term Plan: Evaluation of NHS-funded tobacco dependence services
Principal Investigator: Nazreen Iqbal Sponsor: Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust The NHS Long Term Plan is a government policy aiming to tackle smoking through delivering a new service to support smokers to quit, in three settings: acute hospital, mental health inpatients and maternity. Here, smokers who are admitted to any of these settings in England will be offered access to a new ‘stop smoking service’ that includes both behavioural support and medication to help them to quit. Our project aims to investigate how this new service is delivered, and explore its impact on health and care. |
Implementation, impact and costs of policies of safe staffing
Principal Investigator: n/a Sponsor: University of Southampton This study aims to identify the costs and consequences of implementing safe staffing policies in NHS acute hospitals in England. It will also look at the factors that have made a difference to how the policies have been implemented: what has worked well for whom, and in which situations. |