BADBIR: the British Association of Dermatologists Biologic and Immunomodulators Register
Principal Investigator: Tara Lees, Nurse Consultant Sponsor: University of Manchester BADBIR is a clinical study to monitor the long-term safety of drugs used to treat psoriasis. |
BSTOP: Biomarkers and Stratification To Optimise outcomes in Psoriasis study
Principal Investigator: Tara Lees, Nurse Consultant Sponsor: Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust A non-commercial observational study established in 2011 that seeks to identify and characterise biomarkers of response to systemic and biologic treatments for psoriasis. |
A-Star: The UK-Irish Atopic Eczema Systemic Therapy Register
Principal Investigator: Dr Saurabh Mittall Sponsor: Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust The purpose of the study is to collect information from adult and children with eczema, starting certain treatments, referred to as ‘systemic immuno-modulators’. As eczema is often a long-term condition, it is important to establish how well these medicines work with regard to improvement in disease severity, quality of life and also safety, especially when these are used for longer periods of time. |